Osaka Prefecture finally approves paid sick leave for ALTs and NET teacher. 大阪府がALT,NET教員への有給の病気休暇をようやく認める

– After more than three years of collective bargaining by the union and requests for action to the Personnel Committee, this has finally been achieve –
〜組合による3年越しの団交、 人事委員会への措置要求を経て実現〜
The EWA has been strongly demanding paid sick leave for NETs since the introduction of the Fiscal Year Appointed Employee (FYAE) system in 2020.
The EWA has been fighting against this unreasonable system reform by the Osaka Prefectural Board of Education in various ways, such as collective bargaining and requesting measures from the Personnel Committee.
Finally, on the 26th August, Osaka prefectural Board of Education announced new conditions for Foreign language teachers (NET) and assistants (JET) giving them special paid leave, specifically 20 days of paid sick leave per year and 1 hour of special leave per day to ease travel burdens for expectant mothers.